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Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies

Publication date: 2014-03-26
Volume: 12 Pages: 47 - 66
Publisher: Routledge


de Vroome, Thomas
van Tubergen, Frank


settlement intentions, return migration, economic integration, socio-cultural integration, refugees, immigrants, Netherlands, Social Sciences, Demography, Ethnic Studies, Sociology, Settlement intention, sociocultural integration, refugee, immigrant, RETURN MIGRATION, OUT-MIGRATION, NETWORKS, STAY, 1607 Social Work


This study investigates settlement intentions of immigrants and refugees. We combine data from several large-scale surveys collected between 1998 and 2009 in the Netherlands, focusing on the population that reside in the Netherlands ten years or less (N=4,151). Results show that Surinamese and Antillean immigrants and Somalian refugees are generally less likely than other groups to intend to stay permanently in the Netherlands. Moreover, results show individual differences in settlement intentions. Specifically, ties to Dutch majority members and cultural integration are important factors that are positively related to settlement intentions, while such intentions are not significantly related to economic integration.