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Learning & Individual Differences

Publication date: 2013-01-01
Volume: 24 Pages: 134 - 138
Publisher: JAI Press


Luwel, Koen
Foustana, Ageliki ; Onghena, Patrick ; Verschaffel, Lieven


Strategy choice, Strategy use, Verbal intelligence, Performance intelligence, Choice/no-choice method, Social Sciences, Psychology, Educational, Psychology, CHOICE/NO-CHOICE METHOD, METASTRATEGIC KNOWLEDGE, 1303 Specialist Studies in Education, 1701 Psychology, Education, 39 Education, 52 Psychology


The present study investigated the extent to which verbal intelligence (VIQ) and performance intelligence (PIQ) contribute to strategy selection and execution in the context of a numerosity judgement task. The choice/no-choice method was used to appropriately assess strategy selection (in terms of strategy repertoire, frequency and adaptivity) and strategy execution (in terms of strategy speed and accuracy) in a group of 120 12-year-old children. For each parameter, a regression analysis was carried out with VIQ and PIQ, as independent variables, and with arithmetic proficiency as a control variable. Results showed that VIQ was a significant predictor for all parameters of strategic competence, whereas PIQ only explained a unique portion of the variance above and beyond VIQ in the speed of strategy execution.