Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht

Publication date: 2012-01-01
Volume: 2012 Pages: 27 - 44
Publisher: Boom Juridische Uitgevers


Claes, Erik
Van Daele, Emilie


Herstelbemiddeling, vrijwilligers


In restorative thinking it is often assumed that the involvement of volunteers, almost naturally, flows from its values and aims. But are there really convincing arguments that account for, justify or even necessitate an active policy on volunteering in restorative justice practices?This contribution focuses on the moderate view on restorative justice as developed in the Belgian context. It is argued that this approach offers a variety of reasons for developing a volunteers-programme. Two central issues in a moderate view on restorative justice are essential to understand the value of volunteering in restorative justice practices. Such a view sees 1) crime as a multi-layered phenomenon, and 2) takes participative and communicative justice as its central aim.