Between the Lines and its Margins. Spatial Systematics in the Work of Dom Hans van der Laan (1904-1991) (Tussen de omlijning en haar marges. Ruimtelijke systematiek in het werk van Dom Hans van der Laan (1904-1991))

Publication date: 2013-08-26


Voet, Caroline


In 1977 the Benedictine monk and architect Dom Hans van der Laan (1904-1991) publishes his book De Architectonische Ruimte. Vijftien Lessen over de Dispositie van het Menselijk Verblijf [Architectonic Space, fifteen lessons on the disposition of the human habitat]. It is an amplification of his first book Le nombre plastique. Quinze leçons sur l’ordonnance architectonique [Het plastische getal. Fifteen lessons on architectonic ordinance], an architectural theory and design manual published in 1960. As the introduction of Le nombre plastique explains, Van der Laan aims to ‘restore, in all its objectivity, the fundamental and intrinsic architectural laws.’ The design methodology that he presents in order to achieve these laws in the building practice is based on the discernment, the human ability to differentiate sizes. It evolves around the concept of the margin, the boundary of the differences that only just can be perceived as a building stone for architecture. Besides this theory, Dom van der Laan develops a personal architectural style, which can best be described as elementary architecture. He regards his own realizations as specimen of his architectural theory and although his production is rather limited, only four convents and a house, it formulates a tangible and concrete background for his architectural doctrine.This research provides an in-depth understanding of Van der Laan’s architectural theory and its practical application, through a contextual and historical approach. It is conducted on two different levels, resulting in two interwoven, dialectic parts. The first approach focuses on the genealogy and evolution, as well as the historiography, of the work of Dom Hans van der Laan. What are his motivations? What is the context in which the work can be situated? What are the relevant influences that shaped Van der Laan’s own thoughts? Why this central focus on the proportional system of the 'plastic number' and how is this more than a mere formal aesthetics? Through the analysis of drawings, unpublished source material and his personal correspondence, the intrinsic relation between Van der Laan’s motivations and main sources, his teaching and realizations is mapped out. It shows how the hierarchical deep-level structure that Van der Laan is searching for, grows from his Benedictine and architectural background.The second approach focuses on the actual practical application of the plastic number in Van der Laan’s work. How does his design methodology feed into his design practice? What is the ground for his elementary architecture? Interwoven with the historical reconstruction of the first approach, this part is conceived as an annotated catalogue. As a red thread on Dom van der Laan’s design methodology and its application, it historically maps all of his design sketches, analytical diagrams, abstract models and realized projects. As such, it gives a clear account on the evolution of Van der Laan’s design methodology and how it actually works. It shows how his abstract archetypal models evolve into patterns and formulas that feed into his own elementary architecture. It explains Van der Laan’s main concepts of 'the margin', 'the plastic number' and of 'architectonic space', which intertwines 'mutual nearness' and 'dynamic superposition'. As such, it provides an all-comprising design manual on the methodology of architectonic space.