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W2GIS 2013, Date: 2013/04/04 - 2013/04/05, Location: Banff, AB, Canada

Publication date: 2013-01-01
Volume: 7820 Pages: 54 - 63
ISSN: 978-3-642-37086-1
Publisher: Springer; Heidelberg, Germany

Lecture Notes in Computer Science


Maervoet, Joris
Brackman, Pascal ; Verbeeck, Katja ; De Causmaecker, Patrick ; Vanden Berghe, Greet ; Liang, Steve HL ; Wang, Xin ; Claramunt, Christophe


tour suggestion, transportation network graphs, ITEC, iMinds


The present article introduces the outdoor activity tour suggestion problem (OATSP). This problem involves finding a closed path of maximal attractiveness in a transportation network graph, given a target path length and tolerance. Total path attractiveness is evaluated as the sum of the average arc attractiveness and the sum of the vertex prizes in the path. This problem definition takes its rise in the design of an interactive web application, which suggests closed paths for several outdoor activity routing modi, such as mountain biking. Both path length and starting point are specified by the user. The inclusion of POIs of some given types enrich the suggested outdoor activity experience. A fast method for the generation of heuristic solutions to the OATSP is presented. It is based on spatial filtering, the evaluation of triangles in a simplified search space and shortest path calculation. It generates valuable suggestions in the context of a web application. It is a promising method to generate candidate paths used by any local search algorithm, which further optimizes the solution.