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Journal of computational and applied mathematics

Publication date: 1993-01-01
Volume: 48 Pages: 225 - 243
Publisher: Elsevier science bv


Van Assche, Walter


polynomials, 0102 Applied Mathematics, 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics, 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Numerical & Computational Mathematics, 4613 Theory of computation, 4901 Applied mathematics, 4903 Numerical and computational mathematics


During the conference eight open problems were posed by Magnus, Berg, van Doom, Everitt, Gilewicz, Koornwinder, Ronveaux and Siafarikas. An extra problem by Prudnikov reached us after the conference and is also added. Two of these problems were already solved by the end of the conference. Later Peherstorfer gave the solution of another problem and of a problem posed at the Erice meeting, which is also added. We look forward to see solutions of the other problems as well and hope they stimulate the interaction between various research groups.