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O meio ambiente em Moçambique: notas para reflexão sobre a situação actual e os desafios para o futuro

Publication date: 2012-01-01
Publisher: Grupo Ambiente, Parceiros de Cooperação; Maputo, Moçambique


Serra, Carlos Manuel
Dondeyne, Stefaan ; Durang, Tom


Quadro jurídico-ambiental, Mudanças Climáticas, Saúde Ambiental, Mega-projectos, Sector de Florestas, Conservação Ambiental, Sector da Agricultura, Planificação Territorial, Politica ambiental, MICOA


In 2005, Development Partners (DP) active in the field of the environment, agreed to meet on a monthly basis to share information and to participate in policy dialogues. This initiative led to the creation of the Donor Working Group on Environment as a platform for dialogue bringing together the Ministry for the Coordination of Environmental Action (MICOA) and other government institutions, together with development partners (DP), civil society and the private sector. After a first chapter providing background on the environmental legislation and policy, this publication brings together seven papers prepared as “analytical notes” for the Donor Working Group on Environment. By presenting evidence-based arguments for policy recommendations in a non-technical language the papers should be useful to the Government of Mozambique for directing its interventions and for directing further donor support. The issues and discussions brought forward are indeed intended for Government policy makers. The aim of these notes was to provide a base for taking into account environment issues when preparing the then upcoming Action Plan for the Reduction of Absolute Poverty (PARPA 2010-‘15). Towards, donor agencies it was hoped to provide rationale for support, and directions for future support, by reflecting on past donor involvement, and outlining the current stakes, possible gaps in financing and priorities for sustainable development. Development Partners. These notes are an outcome of the environmental dialogue among development partners, and as such represent a common outlook of the development partners in relation to Mozambique’s environmental policies, regulation and implementation strategies.