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Belgian Journal of Linguistics

Publication date: 2010-01-01
Volume: 24 Pages: 36 - 53
Publisher: Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles


Verplaetse, Heidi


1702 Cognitive Sciences, 2004 Linguistics, Languages & Linguistics, 4704 Linguistics


Abstract The current contribution considers the use of the emerging modal forms want to / wanna for the speech act of advice with reference to two cognitive frameworks, viz. force dynamics and frame semantics. It is held that a volitional semantic core is projected in terms of wanting as a force dynamic experience which extends to the addressee as a mental extrapolation. In frame semantic terms the resulting speech act generates a new frame and new participant roles, so that the category “Attempt_suasion" is proposed as an addition for the verb form want in FrameNet. The interpretations in terms of both theoretical frameworks are further supported by the case of second person want to / wanna for advice with an added question tag, representing respectively a lifted barrier and a frame shift, and illustrating the added potential of the forms in terms of face, when compared to the modal should. Keywords Want to / wanna - volition - advice - force dynamics - frame semantics