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Optics Express

Publication date: 2012-01-01
Volume: 20 Pages: 3408 - 3423
Publisher: Optical Society of America


Neutens, Pieter
Lagae, Liesbet ; Borghs, Gustaaf ; Van Dorpe, Pol


Science & Technology, Physical Sciences, Optics, ELECTRICAL DETECTION, BRAGG REFLECTORS, POLARITONS, TRANSPORT, GRATINGS, CAVITIES, 0205 Optical Physics, 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 1005 Communications Technologies, 4006 Communications engineering, 4009 Electronics, sensors and digital hardware, 5102 Atomic, molecular and optical physics


We present the numerical and experimental demonstration of plasmonic Bragg filters and resonators inside metal-insulator-metal (MIM) waveguides. The presented filters and resonators are fabricated using standard top down lithography methods. The optical bandgap of the integrated Bragg filters is experimentally observed and its optical properties are investigated as a function of the grating pitch and the number of grating periods. Transmission filters based on a nanocavity resonance were measured, obtaining Q-factors above 30. Tuning of the cavity wavelength was experimentally achieved by varying the cavity length.