European-Society-for-Medical-Oncology (ESMO) 13th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer, Date: 2011/06/22 - 2011/06/25, Location: Barcelona, SPAIN

Publication date: 2011-06-01
Volume: 22 Pages: v18 - v18
Publisher: Kluwer Academic Publishers

Annals of Oncology


Van Cutsem, Eric
Tabernero, Josep ; Lakomy, Radek ; Prausova, Jana ; Ruff, Paul ; Van Hazel, Guy ; Moiseyenko, Vladimir ; Ferry, David ; McKendrick, Joe ; Tellier, Alexia ; Castan, Remi ; Allegra, Carmen


Science & Technology, Life Sciences & Biomedicine, Oncology, 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis, Oncology & Carcinogenesis, 3202 Clinical sciences, 3211 Oncology and carcinogenesis