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Biochimica et biophysica acta-lipids and lipid metabolism

Publication date: 1995-01-01
Volume: 1255 Pages: 63 - 67
Publisher: Elsevier science bv


Croes, K
Casteels, Minne ; Van Veldhoven, Paul P ; Mannaerts, Guy


alpha-oxidation, 3-methyl-branched fatty acid, phytanic acid, peroxisome, refsum, iron, human skin fibroblasts, rat-liver, peroxisomal disorders, subcellular-localization, isolated hepatocytes, mitochondrial, transferrin, inhibition, oxidase, Science & Technology, Life Sciences & Biomedicine, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Biophysics, ALPHA-OXIDATION, 3-METHYL-BRANCHED FATTY ACID, PHYTANIC ACID, PEROXISOME, REFSUM, IRON, HUMAN SKIN FIBROBLASTS, RAT-LIVER, PEROXISOMAL DISORDERS, SUBCELLULAR-LOCALIZATION, ISOLATED HEPATOCYTES, MITOCHONDRIAL, TRANSFERRIN, INHIBITION, OXIDASE, Animals, Cells, Cultured, Cholestanols, Fatty Acids, Iron, Iron Chelating Agents, Liver, Male, Oxidation-Reduction, Palmitic Acid, Palmitic Acids, Rats, Rats, Wistar


Preincubation of isolated rat hepatocytes with desferrioxamine or o-phenanthroline, two iron-specific chelators, strongly suppressed the CO2-production from the alpha-oxidation of 3-methylmargaric acid, whereas the beta-oxidation of 2-methylpalmitic acid, palmitic acid, trihydroxycoprostanic acid and the conversion of formic acid to CO2 were not affected. When, after the initial preincubation with the chelators and prior to the addition of 3-methylmargaric acid, iron-saturated transferrin and Fe3+ were added, a partial restitution of the CO2-production rates was obtained. These facts provide further evidence for the importance of iron in the alpha-oxidation of 3-methyl-substituted fatty acids.