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Dynamic Thermal Behaviour of Buildings with Concrete Core Activation (Dynamisch thermisch gedrag van gebouwen met betonkernactivering)

Publication date: 2012-09-10


Sourbron, Maarten
Helsen, Lieve ; Baelmans, Martine


Concrete Core Activation, transient heat transfer, Simplified thermal model, Parameter estimation, Feedback Control, Model based predictive Control, Analytical solution


The dynamic behaviour of buildings equipped with thermally activated building elements is not yet fully understood. This hampers the respons prediction of these low energy buildings on specific internal or external loads. Therefore, modelling of the mutual interaction between building and HVAC-installation is required. Model validation is performed based on dedicated experiments as well as measurement campaigns in existing buildings. This will result in a thourough understanding of the building behaviour and its installation leading to the development of design guidelines. Special attention will be given to the use of heat pumps in combination with the ground as an energy source for both cooling and heating.