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Nitrogen Workshop - Innovations for sustainable use of nitrogen resources, Date: 2012/06/26 - 2012/06/29, Location: Wexford, Ireland

Publication date: 2012-06-26
Pages: 323 - 324

Proceedings of the 17th Nitrogen Workshop - Innovations for sustainable use of nitrogen resources, 26th - 29th June 2012, Wexford, Ireland


Vandervelpen, Davy
Maes, Sofie ; Tits, Mia ; Elsen, Annemie ; Bries, Jan ; Vandendriessche, Hilde ; Van Overtveld, Koen ; Peeters, Luk ; Batelaan, Okke ; Van Orshoven, Jos ; Vanderborght, Jan ; Diels, Jan