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Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics

Publication date: 2012-10-01
Volume: 33 Pages: 625 - 632
Publisher: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins


Rassart, Jessica
Luyckx, Koen ; Apers, Silke ; Goossens, Eva ; Moons, Philip


Heart defect, congenital, Identity, Peers, Adolescence, Longitudinal, Science & Technology, Social Sciences, Life Sciences & Biomedicine, Behavioral Sciences, Psychology, Developmental, Pediatrics, Psychology, heart defects, congenital, identity, peers, adolescence, longitudinal, OF-LIFE, ADULTS, ATTACHMENT, EXPERIENCES, ADJUSTMENT, SUPPORT, PARENT, Adolescent, Adolescent Development, Belgium, Female, Heart Defects, Congenital, Humans, Interpersonal Relations, Longitudinal Studies, Male, Peer Group, Psychological Tests, Social Identification, i-DETACH Investigators, 11 Medical and Health Sciences, 17 Psychology and Cognitive Sciences, Developmental & Child Psychology, 32 Biomedical and clinical sciences, 42 Health sciences, 52 Psychology


Objective: Identity formation has been found to relate to psychosocial and disease-specific functioning in chronically ill adolescents. Therefore, examining antecedent factors of identity formation in this population is needed. The main goal of the present longitudinal study was to examine how peer relationship quality influenced identity formation in adolescents with congenital heart disease (CHD). Method: Adolescents with CHD were selected from the database of pediatric and congenital cardiology of the University Hospitals Leuven. A total of 429 adolescents (14-18 years) with CHD participated at Time 1; 401 were matched on gender and age with community controls recruited at secondary schools. Adolescents completed questionnaires on identity and peer relationship quality. Nine months later, at Time 2, 382 patients again completed these questionnaires. Results: Adolescents with CHD were generally found to be as competent as controls in addressing the task of identity formation. Moreover, the importance of peer relationships for identity formation was demonstrated. Supportive peer relationships positively influenced the process of identifying with the identity commitments made. Furthermore, such relationships protected adolescents from getting stuck in the exploration process. Finally, reciprocal pathways were uncovered: a maladaptive exploration process was also found to negatively affect peer relationships. Conclusion: The present study found peer relationship quality to be an important antecedent factor of identity formation in adolescents with CHD. Future research should investigate how changes in peer relationships and identity relate to well-being in these patients.