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COSADE2012, Date: 2012/05/03 - 2012/05/04

Publication date: 2012-01-01
Volume: 7275 LNCS Pages: 89 - 104
ISSN: 9783642299117
Publisher: Springer

Lecture Notes in Computer Science


Da Rolt, Jean
Das, Amitabh ; Di Natale, Giorgio ; Flottes, Marie-Lise ; Rouzeyre, Bruno ; Verbauwhede, Ingrid ; Schindler, Werner ; Huss, Sorin A




This paper proposes a new scan-based side-channel attack on RSA public-key cryptographic implementations in the presence of advanced Design for Testability (DfT) techniques. The attack is performed on an actual hardware implementation, for which different test scenarios were conceived (response compaction, X-Masking). The practical aspects of scan-based attacks on the RSA cryptosystem are also presented. Additionally, a novel scan-attack security analysis tool is proposed which helps in evaluating the scan-chain leakage resilience of security circuits. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.