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Journal of Physical Chemistry

Publication date: 2011-12-01
Volume: 115 Pages: 13956 - 13964
Publisher: American Chemical Society


Van Tan, Tran
Hendrickx, Marc


Science & Technology, Physical Sciences, Chemistry, Physical, Physics, Atomic, Molecular & Chemical, Chemistry, Physics, IRON-SULFUR CLUSTER, CONSISTENT BASIS-SETS, GAS-PHASE, AB-INITIO, ENERGETICS, STATE, FIELD, Anions, Iron, Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Quantum Theory, Sulfur


The geometric structures of FeS(3) and FeS(3)(-) with spin multiplicities ranging from singlet to octet were optimized at the B3LYP level, allowing two low-lying conformations for these clusters to be identified. The planar D(3h) conformation contains three S(2-) atomic ligands (S(3)Fe(0/-)), whereas the C(2v) structure contains, in addition to an atomic S(2-) ligand, also a S(2)(2-) ligand that is side-on-bound to the iron cation: an η(2)-S(2)FeS conformation. Subsequently, energy differences between the various states of these conformations were estimated by carrying out geometry optimizations at the multireference CASPT2 level. Several competing structures for the ground state of the anionic cluster were recognized at this level. Relative stabilities were also estimated by performing single-point RCSSD(T) calculations on the B3LYP geometries. The ground state of the neutral complex was unambiguously found to be (5)B(2). The ground state of the anion is considerably less certain. The 1(4)B(2), 2(4)B(2), (4)B(1), and (6)A(1) states were all found as low-lying η(2)-S(2)FeS(-) states. Also, (4)B(2) of S(3)Fe(-) has a comparable CASPT2 energy. In contrast, B3LYP and RCCSD(T) mutually agree that the S(3)Fe(-) state is at a much higher energy. Energetically, the bands of the photoelectron spectra of FeS(3)(-) are reproduced at the CASPT2 level as ionizations from either the (4)B(2) or (6)A(1) state of η(2)-S(2)FeS. However, the Franck-Condon factors obtained from a harmonic vibrational analysis at the B3LYP level show that only the (4)B(2)-to-(5)B(2) ionization, which preserves the η(2)-S(2)Fe-S conformation, provides the best vibrational progression match with the X band of the experimental photoelectron spectra.