The 12th International Congress of Human Genetics and the American Society of Human Genetics 61st Annual Meeting, Date: 2011/10/11 - 2011/10/15, Location: Montreal, Canada

Publication date: 2011-01-01
Pages: 33 -



Kalscheuer, VM
Hu, H ; Haas, SA ; Chelly, J ; Van Esch, Hilde ; Raynaud, M ; De Brouwer, A ; Zemojtel, T ; Froyen, Guy ; Frints, Suzanne ; Laumonnier, F ; Love, MI ; Lebrun, N ; Field, M ; Haan, E ; Corbett, M ; Turner, G ; Shaw, M ; Gillessen-Kaesbach, G ; Müller, U ; Latos-Bielen'ska, A ; Kleefstra, T ; Wrogemann, K ; Ropers, HH ; et al.,