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Journal of Chemical Physics

Publication date: 2012-01-01
Volume: 136
Publisher: American Institute of Physics


Tam, Nguyen Minh
Ngan, Vu Thi ; de Haeck, Jorg ; Bhattacharyya, Soumen ; Thuy Le, Hai ; Janssens, Ewald ; Lievens, Peter ; Nguyen, Minh


Science & Technology, Physical Sciences, Chemistry, Physical, Physics, Atomic, Molecular & Chemical, Chemistry, Physics, SODIUM BINARY CLUSTERS, AB-INITIO, PHOTOELECTRON-SPECTROSCOPY, SI-N, GERMANIUM CLUSTERS, N=2-10, ANIONS, ATOM, Electrons, Lithium, Molecular Structure, Quantum Theory, Silicon, Surface Properties, 02 Physical Sciences, 03 Chemical Sciences, 09 Engineering, Chemical Physics, 34 Chemical sciences, 40 Engineering, 51 Physical sciences


The geometric structures of neutral and cationic Si(n)Li(m) (0∕+) clusters with n = 2-11 and m = 1, 2 are investigated using combined experimental and computational methods. The adiabatic ionization energy and vertical ionization energy (VIE) of Si(n)Li(m) clusters are determined using quantum chemical methods (B3LYP∕6-311+G(d), G3B3, and CCSD(T)∕aug-cc-pVxZ with x = D,T), whereas experimental values are derived from threshold photoionization experiments in the 4.68-6.24 eV range. Among the investigated cluster sizes, only Si(6)Li(2), Si(7)Li, Si(10)Li, and Si(11)Li have ionization thresholds below 6.24 eV and could be measured accurately. The ionization threshold and VIE obtained from the experimental photoionization efficiency curves agree well with the computed values. The growth mechanism of the lithium doped silicon clusters follows some simple rules: (1) neutral singly doped Si(n)Li clusters favor the Li atom addition on an edge or a face of the structure of the corresponding Si(n) (-) anion, while the cationic Si(n)Li(+) binds with one Si atom of the bare Si(n) cluster or adds on one of its edges, and (2) for doubly doped Si(n)Li(2) (0∕+) clusters, the neutrals have the shape of the Si(n) (+1) counterparts with an additional Li atom added on an edge or a face of it, while the cations have both Li atoms added on edges or faces of the Si(n) (-) clusters.