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Zeitschrift fur anorganische und allgemeine chemie

Publication date: 2005-01-01
Volume: 631 Pages: 649 - 653
Publisher: Wiley-v c h verlag gmbh


Nockemann, Peter
Schulz, F ; Naumann, D ; Meyer, G


mercury, bis(trifluoromethyl), n-donor-complexes, mercuric-chloride, metal-complexes, 1,2,4-triazole, derivatives, Science & Technology, Physical Sciences, Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear, Chemistry, N-donor-complexes, MERCURIC-CHLORIDE, METAL-COMPLEXES, 1,2,4-TRIAZOLE, DERIVATIVES, 0302 Inorganic Chemistry, 0399 Other Chemical Sciences, Inorganic & Nuclear Chemistry, 3402 Inorganic chemistry


Colourless single crystals of [Hg(CF3)(2)(Pur)](4) and [Hg(CF3)(2)(Dat)](2) were obtained from aqueous and etheric solutions of the respective components Purine, (imidazo[4,5-d]pyrimidine, Pur), 3,5-dimethyl-4 '-amino-triazole (Dat) and bis(trifluoromethyl)mercury(II), Hg(CF3)(2). [Hg(CF3)(2)(Pur)](4) crystallizes with the tetragonal system (P-4, Z = 8, a = 1486.8(2), c = 1026.2(l) pm, R-all = 0.0657) with tetrameric molecules consisting of four purine molecules bridged by slightly bent Hg(CF3)2 molecules forming a cage with the CF3 ligands surrounding this cage. The two modifications of [Hg(Dat)(CF3)2]2 (1: 170 K, triclinic, P-1, Z = 2, a 814.9(2), b = 845.4(2), c = 968.4(3) pm, alpha = 106.55(2)degrees, beta= 103.41(2)degrees, gamma = 110.79(2)degrees, R-all = 0.1189; II: monoclinic, P2(1)/c, Z = 8, a = 879.8(2), b = 1731.0(3), c = 1593.9(3) pm, beta = 106.89(2)degrees, R-all = 0.1199) both contain dimeric molecules that are stacked parallel to one crystal axis to strands which are arranged in a parallel fashion in I and rotated against each other in 11 by 110 degrees. In both, the tetrameric [Hg(CF3)(2)(Pur)](4) and the dimeric [Hg(CF3)(2)(Dat)](2) the Hg(CF3)(2) molecules are slightly bent (around 167 and 170 degrees) and rather weakly attached to the N-donor ligands Pur and Dat with Hg-N distances around 272 pm, although in both cases the Hg atoms bridge between two ligand molecules.