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Physica Status Solidi A, Applications and Materials Research

Publication date: 2011-01-01
Volume: 208 Pages: 129 - 135
Publisher: Wiley-VCH Verlag GMBH


Cantoro, Mirco
Wang, Gang ; Lin, Dennis ; Klekachev, Alexander ; Richard, O ; Bender, H ; Kim, Tae-Gon ; Clemente, F ; Adelmann, C ; van der Veen, MH ; Brammertz, G ; Degroote, S ; Leys, M ; Caymax, M ; Heyns, Marc ; De Gendt, Stefan


iii-v semiconductors, electronic transport, inas, movpe, nanowires, raman spectroscopy, iii-v nanowires, optoelectronic devices, silicon nanowires, epitaxial-growth, scattering, transistors, Science & Technology, Technology, Physical Sciences, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary, Physics, Applied, Physics, Condensed Matter, Materials Science, Physics, III-V semiconductors, InAs, MOVPE, Raman spectroscopy, III-V NANOWIRES, OPTOELECTRONIC DEVICES, SILICON NANOWIRES, EPITAXIAL-GROWTH, SCATTERING, TRANSISTORS, 0204 Condensed Matter Physics, 0912 Materials Engineering, 1007 Nanotechnology, Applied Physics, 4016 Materials engineering, 4018 Nanotechnology, 5104 Condensed matter physics


In this paper, we show the results of experiments of InAs nanowire (NW) growth on (111)-oriented Si wafers. The NWs, grown at 620 degrees C by metal-organic vapor-phase epitaxy, are vertically aligned and similar to 30 nm in diameter. Their structural properties are studied by transmission electron microscopy, evidencing a polytypic character, and the vibrational properties by Raman spectroscopy. An assessment of their electrical transport properties is carried out by measuring back-gated, single InAs NW field-effect transistors. The absence of a catalyst ensures the compatibility of the NW growth process with current CMOS technology. (C) 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim