Doping Engineering for Front-End Processing, Date: 2008/03/25 - 2008/03/27, Location: San Francisco, CA USA

Publication date: 2008-01-01
Volume: 1070 Pages: 41 - 47
ISSN: 978-1-60511-040-0
Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Doping Engineering for Front-End Processing


Vandervorst, Wilfried
Rosseel, Erik ; Lin, R ; Petersen, DH ; Clarysse, Trudo ; Goossens, Jozefien ; Nielsen, PF ; Churton, K ; Pawlak, BJ ; Pelaz, ML ; Law, M ; Suguro, K


Science & Technology, Technology, Physical Sciences, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary, Physics, Applied, Materials Science, Physics, SHEET RESISTANCE MEASUREMENT


Maintaining or improving device performance while scaling semiconductor devices, necessitates the development of extremely shallow (< 20 nm) source/drain extensions with a very high dopant concentration and electrical activation level. Whereas solutions based on RTA with cocktail implants have been proposed in previous generations, sub-45 nm technologies will require even shallower junctions which motivates the research effort on milli-second anneal approaches as these hold the promise of minimal diffusion coupled with high activation levels [1]. Laser annealing is one of these concepts proposed to achieve the junction specifications and is typically described as a msec anneal process. Different from lamp based concepts which illuminate a full wafer simultaneously, the laser has an illuminated area which is much smaller than the wafer size thus necessitating a dedicated scanning pattern. In such a case one is potentially faced with areas subject to multiple overlaps and/or different temperatures and thus issues related to within wafer and within die uniformity need to be addressed. In this work we use optimized metrology to probe such macro- and micro non-uniformity and determine the origin of the various components contributing to the observed non-uniformity patterns (laser stitching patterns, laser beam uniformity, optical path) and their impact on the local sheet resistance. © 2008 Materials Research Society.