Acta anaesthesiologica Belgica

Publication date: 1987-01-01
Volume: 38 Pages: 23 - 32


Vandermeersch, Eugene
Van Aken, H


Adult, Aged, Anesthesia, General, Anesthesia, Intravenous, Blood Pressure, Droperidol, Drug Combinations, Female, Fentanyl, Heart Rate, Humans, Infusions, Intravenous, Male, Midazolam, Middle Aged, Thiopental, 1103 Clinical Sciences, Anesthesiology


We compared midazolam with thiopental both in association with saline, fentanyl and fentanyl with droperidol for induction of anesthesia. Our data show that the administration of fentanyl or fentanyl and droperidol before midazolam improves the induction to reach almost the quality of a thiopental induction. No difference in cardiocirculatory effects between midazolam and thiopental was found.