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Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology

Publication date: 2002-01-01
Volume: 506 Pages: 379 - 87
Publisher: Plenum Press


Swinnen, Johan
Heemers, Hannelore ; Heyns, Walter ; Verhoeven, Guido ; Sullivan, DA ; Stern, ME ; Tsubota, K ; Dartt, DA ; Sullivan, RM ; Bromberg, BB


Androgens, Animals, CCAAT-Enhancer-Binding Proteins, Gene Expression Regulation, Humans, Lipids, Male, Prostatic Neoplasms, Tumor Cells, Cultured, Science & Technology, Life Sciences & Biomedicine, Medicine, Research & Experimental, Ophthalmology, Research & Experimental Medicine, COA-BINDING PROTEIN, CELL-LINE LNCAP, HUMAN PROSTATE-CANCER, FATTY-ACID SYNTHASE, TRANSCRIPTIONAL REGULATION, GENE, ACTIVATION, EXPRESSION, STIMULATE, PATHWAY, 11 Medical and Health Sciences, General & Internal Medicine, 31 Biological sciences, 32 Biomedical and clinical sciences