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New Blackfriars

Publication date: 2011-03-01
Volume: 92 Pages: 247 - 254
Publisher: Blackfriar Press


Meszaros, Andrew


Dei Verbum, Revelation, connatural, experiential, Arts & Humanities, Religion, Newman, Congar, II Vatican Council, 2203 Philosophy, 2204 Religion and Religious Studies


The 1960’s was an incredibly busy and productive year for the Dominican Yves Congar (1904-1995). In addition to drafting many seminal passages of Council documents, including Dei Verbum no.8, which is the subject of this paper, he also wrote his historical-theological masterpiece, Tradition and Traditions from 1960-63. Drawing on the latter’s explicit references to John Henry Newman, this article unpacks the particular ways in which Newman’s thought contributed to the Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation through the reception and writing of Congar. Particular attention is paid to the connatural way of knowing which stems from the gifts of the Holy Spirit, typically alluded to by Newman in his mediations on the faith of Mary.