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Publication date: 2010-01-01
Volume: 43 Pages: 8686 - 8691
Publisher: American Chemical Society


Rotella, Cinzia
Napolitano, Simone ; De Cremer, Lieven ; Koeckelberghs, Guy ; Wübbenhorst, Michael


Science & Technology, Physical Sciences, Polymer Science, GLASS-TRANSITION TEMPERATURE, STRUCTURAL RELAXATION, ENHANCED MOBILITY, BULK BEHAVIOR, DYNAMICS, CRYSTALLIZATION, POLYSTYRENE, INTERFACES, DEVIATIONS, DEPENDENCE, 03 Chemical Sciences, 09 Engineering, Polymers, 34 Chemical sciences, 40 Engineering


We investigated by dielectric relaxation spectroscopy the distribution of glass transition temperatures and dielectric relaxation strength inside ultrathin polymer films capped between metallic layers. Measurements of the local dielectric properties were achieved by selectively placing layers of dye-labeled polystyrene at different depth inside films of neat polystyrene of different thickness. We show experimental evidence for an interfacial nature of the deviations from bulk behavior; in particular, the value of the dielectric strength and the glass transition temperature strongly depend on the distance from the solid interface. These peculiar profiles of static and dynamic dielectric properties are discussed in terms of a physical picture based on competition between chain adsorption and packing frustration at different annealing conditions. Such a picture was able to rationalize common features observed in properties of ultrathin films like reduction of the relaxation strength, broadening of the dynamic glass transition process, and finally a shift of the structural relaxation time. © 2010 American Chemical Society.