LNCS Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development

Publication date: 2010-12-01
Publisher: Springer


Van Landuyt, Dimitri
Op de beeck, Steven ; Truyen, Eddy ; Verbaeten, Pierre


This paper presents the results of applying aspect-oriented methods and techniques during the construction of a demonstrator of an industry-grade digital publishing platform. In a rapidly evolving publishing landscape, publishing companies will have a competitive advantage in the long run if their supporting software infrastructure can sustain evolution. In this paper, we show how a component-based software architecture is refactored using AOSD techniques, and how this leads to an improved variability and evolvability of the publishing infrastructure by enabling invasive features to be introduced easily and dynamically. Finally, we provide an in-depth analysis of our main experiences and lessons learned during development of this demonstrator, in terms of three of the industrial acceptance criteria of a programming paradigm: its expressivity, its efficiency and compatibility. The strength of this demonstrator lies in the fact that it presents a realistic, and high-effort case study, which is the result of collaboration with real-world industrial actors in the news publishing field.