Sixteenth Century Society and Conference, Date: 2009/05/27 - 2009/05/31, Location: Geneva, Switzerland

Publication date: 2011-01-01
Publisher: Peeters - Leuven University Press; Leuven

'Wading Lambs and Swimming Elephants': The Bible for the Laity and Theologians in the Medieval and Early Modern Era


Juhász, Gergely


The Protestant Bible translator George Joye(c. 1495–1553) was one of the first to formulate the ideal of sola scriptura with regard to the practice of Bible translation. This paper investigates how his ideal, based on his conviction of the polysemic nature of the biblical text and of Bible translation as well as on the ultimate translatability of the Scripture, was put into practice in order to produce a fully understandable text without notes or glosses, and what kind of consequences the application of this ideal had for Joye’s translation strategy.