Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde

Publication date: 1980-02-08
Volume: 123 Pages: 1977 - 80


Knockaert, Daniel
Vandepitte, J ; Degeest, H ; Bogaerts, J


endocarditis, Aged, Animals, erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, Anti-Bacterial Agents, Endocarditis, Bacterial, Erysipelothrix, Erysipelothrix Infections, Humans, Male, Microbial Sensitivity Tests, General & Internal Medicine


In a man aged 67 years who was admitted to hospital because of a bleeding ulcer in the pyloric antrum, aortic-valve endocarditis caused by Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae was diagnosed. E. rhusiopathiae is a widely diffused pathogenic organism that occurs in a number of animal species, but is rarely pathogenic in humans. the disease most often caused by it in human subjects is Baker-Rosenback's erysipeloid; sepsis with endocarditis is highly exceptional. Erysepelothrix infection is encountered predominantly in particular occupations such as veterinary surgeons, fishermen and kitchen staff. This paper reports the first case of Erysipelothrix endocarditis to be observed in Belgium.