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Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing

Publication date: 2010-01-01
Volume: 41 Pages: 532 - 538
Publisher: Elsevier Science Ltd


Warrier, A
Godara, Ajay ; Rochez, Olivier ; Mezzo, L ; Luizi, F ; Gorbatikh, Larissa ; Lomov, Stepan Vladimirovitch ; Van Vuure, Aart Willem ; Verpoest, Ignace


polymer-matrix composites (PMCs), carbon nanotubes, mechanical properties, Science & Technology, Technology, Engineering, Manufacturing, Materials Science, Composites, Engineering, Materials Science, Polymer-matrix composites (PMCs), Carbon nanotubes, Mechanical properties, INTERLAMINAR FRACTURE-TOUGHNESS, REINFORCED COMPOSITES, ELECTRICAL-PROPERTIES, HYBRID COMPOSITES, SURFACE-TREATMENT, EPOXY COMPOSITES, INTERFACES, 0901 Aerospace Engineering, 0912 Materials Engineering, 0913 Mechanical Engineering, Materials, 4016 Materials engineering, 4017 Mechanical engineering


Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were integrated in glass fibres epoxy composites by either including CNTs in the fibre sizing formulation, in the matrix, or both. The effects of such controlled placement of CNTs on the thermophysical properties (glass transition temperature and coefficient of thermal expansion) and the Mode I interlaminar fracture toughness of the composites were studied. The present method of CNT-sizing of the glass fibres produces an increase of almost +10% in the glass transition temperature and a significant reduction of -31% in the coefficient of thermal expansion of the composites. Additionally, the presence of CNTs in the sizing resulted in an increased resistance of crack initiation fracture toughness by +10%, but a lowered crack propagation toughness of -53%. Similar trends were observed for both instances when CNTs were introduced only in the matrix and in combination of both matrix and sizing.