Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Date: 2009/10/29 - 2009/10/30, Location: Eindhoven

Publication date: 2009-10-01
Pages: 393 - 394

Proceedings of BNAIC 2009


Maervoet, Joris
Souffriau, Wouter ; Vansteenwegen, Pieter ; Vanden Berghe, Greet ; Van Oudheusden, Dirk ; Calders, Toon ; Tuyls, Karl ; Pechenizkiy, Mykola


CIB_PUBLIC, itec, iMinds


This demonstration paper presents a mobile tourist decision support system that suggests personal trips, tailored to the user's interests and context. The system enables planning a customised trip that maximises the interest of the tourist, while taking the opening hours of the points of interest and the available time into account. The planning problem is modelled as an orienteering problem with time windows, which is a hard combinatorial optimisation problem. It is solved by an iterated local search metaheuristic procedure that results in a personal trip. This procedure performs well, even when computational resources are limited. The tourist decision support system has been integrated in a mobile navigation platform and will be demonstrated on a Nokia N85 smartphone.