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International CIPA Symposium, Date: 2007/10/01 - 2007/10/06, Location: Athens, Greece

Publication date: 2007-10-01
Volume: 34
Publisher: The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences; Athens, Greece

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences


Andrews, David
Bedford, Jon ; Blake, Bill ; Clowes, Mick ; Crispe, Andy ; Papworth, Heather ; Santana Quintero, Mario ; Georgopoulos, Andreas


Cultural Heritage, Cooperation, Training, Architecture, Archaeology, Surveying, Rectification, Photogrammetry, 0909 Geomatic Engineering, 3709 Physical geography and environmental geoscience, 4013 Geomatic engineering


The Raymond Lemaire International Centre for Conservation (RLICC) organises an advanced interdisciplinary and international study programme in architectural conservation, aimed mainly at architects, architectural engineers, civil engineers, art historians and archaeologists who intend to specialise in the field of the protection of monuments and sites. It is embedded in the postgraduate pro-grammes of the departments of Architecture, Urban Design and Regional Planning and Civil Engineering of the Faculty of Engineer-ing of the University in Leuven, Belgium. The Centre actively promotes international and interdisciplinary co-operation in its training and research programmes. Moreover the Centre maintains strong ties with international organisations concerning heritage, amongst others UNESCO, ICOMOS, the Getty Foundation, and the Council of Europe. Collaboration in research and training projects as well as in student exchange with these in-stitutions results in an internationally renowned and modern study programme. English Heritage is the government agency responsible for the historic sites and buildings in the care of the state of England and is also the UK government’s lead advisor on the built heritage. As part of the agency’s mission to protect and promote England's spec-tacular historic environment and ensure that its past is researched and understood, their Metric Survey Team undertake a number of training and outreach initiatives both within the UK and internationally. The invitation from the RLICC to teach heritage documentation skills resultrd from the training expertise gained from the Metric Survey Team's delivery of the Measured Survey Summer Schools in England from 1989 onwards. The RLICC offers access to a truly unique student base: the international focus means that the skills taught are disseminated worldwide and feedback on the appli-cation of metric survey in local projects uniquely validates metric survey practice and procurement. The Metric Survey Team supplies a three-day module on preparing digital data sets for heritage documentation, involving the use of TheoLt for real-time EDM to CAD work, digital rectified photography with PhoToPlan and a live stereo demonstration of digital photogrammetry from photo acquisition to orthophoto generation. From the first teaching mission in November 2001 RLICC was keen to extend both practical 'hands on' skill transfer but also procurement skills in documentation. Therefore the Team's experience in managing contracts for the supply of metric survey is shared as part of the programme.