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FBE Research Report AFI_0930

Publication date: 2009-09-01
Publisher: K.U.Leuven - Faculty of Economics and Applied Economics


D'Espallier, Bert
López-Iturriaga, Félix


financing constraints, investment-cash flow sensitivities, cash-cash flow sensitivities, firm-varying sensitivities


We predict and find empirical support for a negative relation between the firm’s investment-cash flow sensitivity and cash-cash flow sensitivity, two measures suggested to capture the concept of financing constraints. This negative relation on the firm-level stems from the fact that both investments and the cash account are uses of funds competing for limited available cash flows. Additionally, we find that the investment-cash flow sensitivity is a better predictor for the firm’s constraint-status than the cash-cash flow sensitivity for a longitudinal sample of 1,233 U.S.-based listed firms using an evaluative framework based upon ex-post evaluation of the firmvarying sensitivities.