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Publication date: 1983-01-01
Volume: 70 Pages: 263 - 72


Denys, BG
Aubert, AE ; Denef, B ; Van de Werf, Frans ; Kesteloot, Hugo ; De Geest, H


Animals, Cardiac Volume, Diastole, Dogs, Echocardiography, Electrocardiography, Female, Heart Ventricles, Kinetocardiography, Male, Pressure, 1102 Cardiorespiratory Medicine and Haematology, Cardiovascular System & Hematology, 3201 Cardiovascular medicine and haematology


In order to compare an invasive with a noninvasive index of left ventricular stiffness during late diastole, M-mode echocardiogram, left ventricular pressure (LVP) and apexcardiogram (QLAC) were recorded simultaneously during acute dog experiments. The slope of the log pressure (P)-log volume (V) relationship is expressed by the ratio VdP/PdV. This index has been proven to be valid for the evaluation of left ventricular stiffness during late diastole. Diameter (D) changes were assumed to be proportional to volume changes. Continuous data from the ascending part of the A wave (due to atrial contraction) and the corresponding diameter change were used to calculate the slope (k1) of the log LVP--log D relation. During the same period the slope (k2) of the log QLAC--log D relation was also calculated. A significant linear correlation was found between values obtained semi-invasively from LVP-D (k1) and noninvasively from QLAC-D (k2) data: n = 21, r = 0.93, p less than 0.001. This shows the usefulness of VdP/PdV derived noninvasively from QLAC and M-mode echo for the assessment of stiffness of the left ventricle during late diastole.