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International Congress Series

Publication date: 2006-01-01
Volume: 1294 Pages: 89 - 92
Publisher: Elsevier


Bulterys, S
Johannik, K ; Vlamings, J ; Moens, Guido ; Muto, T ; Higashi, T ; Verbeek, J


Following a survey assessing the satisfaction of client-employers with their occupational health service, it was now assessed how employees themselves evaluate their occupational health service. Employees completed a questionnaire in order to examine their degree of satisfaction about the different services, procedures and processes offered by the External service. A questionnaire has been sent to 788 randomly selected employees in different companies, also randomly selected. The stratified sample was constructed according to company size (< 5, ≥ 5 and < 50, ≥ 50 employees, subject to periodical medical examination). Response rate was 62.6% (n = 494). The mean score on overall satisfaction for medical services was 8.3 (max. score of 10). Scores for non-medical services were somewhat lower, but still very reasonable. These results are stimulating for the personnel of the External service of prevention and protection at work. © 2006.