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ENTER, Location: Amsterdam

Publication date: 2009-01-01
Pages: 185 - 197
ISSN: 978-3-211-93970-3
Publisher: Springer; Wien New York

Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2009


Garcia, Ander
Linaza, M ; Arbelaitz, O ; Vansteenwegen, Pieter ; Höpken, Wolfram ; Gretzel, Ulrike ; Law, Rob


Personalised Electronic Tourist Guide, Orienteering Problem, CIB_PUBLIC


When tourists are at a destination, they typically search for information in the Local Tourist Organizations. There, the staff categorizes tourists’ profile and restrictions. Combining this information with their up-to-date knowledge about the local attractions, weather and public transportation, they suggest a personalised route for the tourist agenda. This paper presents an intelligent routing system for a Personalised Electronic Tourist Guide to fulfil the same task. This system improves the automatic route creation functionality of existing PETs to solve better the needs of tourists in several aspects: i) it includes public transportation, ii) it takes varying travelling times into account, adapting to real circumstances as rush-hours, iii) it calculates routes in real time to react to unexpected events, iv) it applies last generation heuristics from Operations Research to create routes efficiently, even in destinations with a large number of point of interests and a dense public transportation network.