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Publication date: 2007-01-01
Volume: 45 Pages: 85 - 132
Publisher: Mouton


Joosten, Frank
De Sutter, Gert ; Drieghe, Denis ; Grondelaers, Stef ; Hartsuiker, Rob ; Speelman, Dirk


Social Sciences, Linguistics, Language & Linguistics, NUMBER AGREEMENT, 1702 Cognitive Sciences, 2004 Linguistics, Languages & Linguistics, 4704 Linguistics


Collective nouns such as committee, family, or team are conceptually (and in English also syntactically) complex in the sense that they are both singular ("one") and plural ("more than one"): they refer to a multiplicity that is conceptualized as a unity. In this article, which focuses on Dutch collective nouns, it is argued that some collective nouns are rather "one", whereas others are rather "more than one". Collective nouns are shown to be different from one another in member level accessibility. Whereas all collective nouns have both a conceptual collection level ("one") and a conceptual member level ("more than one"), the latter is not always conceptually profiled (i.e., focused on) to the same extent. A gradient is sketched in which collective nouns such as bemanning ('crew') (member level highly accessible) and vereniging ('association') (member level scarcely accessible) form the extremes. Arguments in favor of the conceptual phenomenon of variable member level accessibility derive from an analysis of property distribution, from corpus research on verbal and pronominal singular-plural variation, and from a psycholinguistic eye-tracking experiment. © Walter de Gruyter 2007.