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Journal of the Audio Engineering Society

Publication date: 2009-01-01
Volume: 57 Pages: 205 - 220
Publisher: Audio Engineering Society


Rychtarikova, Monika
Van den Bogaert, Tim ; Vermeir, Gerrit ; Wouters, Jan


Science & Technology, Technology, Acoustics, Engineering, Multidisciplinary, Engineering, TALK CANCELLATION SYSTEM, NOISE-REDUCTION, SPEECH-INTELLIGIBILITY, HORIZONTAL LOCALIZATION, HEARING, REPRODUCTION, AURALIZATION, IMPLEMENTATION, REVERBERATION, PERFORMANCE, 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering, 1005 Communications Technologies, 4006 Communications engineering, 4008 Electrical engineering


On the basis of a statistical evaluation of the binaural sound source localization performance during listening tests by human subjects, it is shown that the convolution of a measured head-related transfer function (HRTF) with the room impulse response generated by a hybrid image source model with a stochastic scattering process using secondary sources provides an adequate model for the prediction of binaural room impulse responses (BRIR) for directional sound localization in the frontal horizontal plane. The source localization performance for sound stimuli presented to test subjects in a natural way was compared to that presented via headphones. Listening via headphones tends to decrease the localization performance only, and only slightly when localizing narrow-band high-frequency stimuli. Binaural sound presented to test subjects via headphones was generated on the basis of measurements and simulations. Two different headphone conditions were evaluated. The overall localization performance for simulated headphone sound obtained using a simulated BRIR was found to be equivalent to the one using a measured BRIR. The study also confirms expectations that the deterioration of sound source localization performance in reverberant rooms is closely linked to the direct-to-reverberant ratio for given loudspeaker and listener positions, rather than to the reverberation time of the room as such.