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FBE Research Report KBI_0824

Publication date: 2008-11-01
Publisher: K.U.Leuven; Leuven (Belgium)


Gelper, Sarah
Croux, Christophe


Real-time estimation, Robustness, Time series, Variability, Volatility


This paper compares methods for variability extraction from a univariate time series in real time. The online scale estimation is achieved by applying a robust scale functional to a moving time window. Scale estimators based on the residuals of a preceding regression step are compared with regression-free and model-free techniques in a simulation study and in an application to a real time series. In the presence of level shifts or strong non-linear trends in the signal level, the model-free scale estimators perform especially well. However, the investigated regression-free and regression-based methods have higher breakdown points, they are applicable to data containing temporal correlations, and they are much more efficient.