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DTEW Research Report 0256

Publication date: 2002-01-01
Publisher: K.U.Leuven - Departement toegepaste economische wetenschappen


Leus, Roel
Herroelen, Willy


Constraint satisfaction, Information, Model, Planning, Problems, Project management, Project planning, Project scheduling, Resource allocati, Scheduling, Stability, Uncertainty, Variability


The majority of resource-constrained project scheduling efforts assumes perfect information about the scheduling problem to be solved and a static deterministic environment within which the pre-computed baseline schedule is executed. In reality, project activities are subject to considerable uncertainty, which generally leads to numerous schedule disruptions. In this paper, we present a resource allocation model that protects a given baseline schedule against activity duration variability. A branch-and-bound algorithm is developed that solves the proposed resource allocation problem. We report on computational results obtained on a set of benchmark problems.