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Tijdschrift voor geneeskunde

Publication date: 2006-12-01
Volume: 62 Pages: 1659 - 1663


Milisen, Koen
Vandenberghe, Joris ; Sabbe, Marc ; Lagae, R ; Braes, Tom ; Vanderlinden, V ; Kerckhofs, K ; Buysschaert, K ; Verbruggen, F ; Vaneeckhout, S ; Vandenbergh, K ; Meyfroidt, Geert ; Dewolf, J ; Vandenberghe, R ; Vandesande, J ; Verbiest, A ; Vandeweege, H ; Nicaise, L ; Van Nuffelen, R ; Deboutte, P ; Lekeu, R ; Rademakers, Frank ; Joosten, Etienne


Restraints may be justified to maintain optimal patient safety or to guarantee proper treatment in life-threatening situations. Still, the decision to apply physical restraints is often based on improper clinical arguments. The University Hospitals of Leuven developed a sound ethical and evidence-based institutional restraint policy. These clinical practice guidelines intend better patient quality by enhancing interdisciplinary decision making and responsibility as well as by improving communication with the patient and his relatives concerning the use of physical restraints.