International Conference on Logic Programming, Date: 2008/12/09 - 2008/12/13, Location: Udine, Italy
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
probabilistic logics, implementation, Science & Technology, Technology, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science, Theory & Methods, Computer Science, LOGIC PROGRAMS, ABDUCTION
The past few years have seen a surge of interest in the field of probabilistic logic learning or statistical relational learning. In this endeavor, many probabilistic logics have been developed. ProbLog is a recent probabilistic extension of Prolog motivated by the mining of large biological networks. In ProbLog, facts can be labeled with mutually independent probabilities that they belong to a randomly sampled program. Different kinds of queries can be posed to ProbLog programs. We introduce algorithms that allow the efficient execution of these queries, discuss their implementation on top of the YAP-Prolog system, and evaluate their performance in the context of large networks of biological entities.