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Simulating and validating the draping of woven fiber reinforced polymers

Publication date: 2008-01-01
Pages: 961 - 964
Publisher: Springer Verlag


Vanclooster, Kristof
Lomov, Stepan Vladimirovitch ; Verpoest, Ignace


Science & Technology, Technology, Engineering, Manufacturing, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary, Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering, Engineering, Materials Science, thermoplastic, woven fabric, kinematic draping, finite element, 4016 Materials engineering


Forming simulations are performed on woven textile composites using (a) an explicit finite element method and (b) a kinematic mapping scheme. Both methods are compared with experimental results that are obtained by determining the fiber orientations of thermoformed glass/PP woven composites. The goal of this study is to investigate whether the complex behaviour of woven textile composites can be approached by a kinematic mapping algorithm. It was found that the mapping approach severely fails in predicting the fiber reorientation that occurs during forming due to unrealistic initial conditions. The FEM simulation gives a reasonably good prediction of the fiber reorientation and seems the most promising technique in having good draping simulations. © Springer/ESAFORM 2008.