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European Journal of Psychological Assessment

Publication date: 2009-01-01
Volume: 25 Pages: 223 - 230
Publisher: Hogrefe & Huber Publishers


Smits, Dirk
Vermote, Rudi ; Claes, Laurence ; Vertommen, Hans


Social Sciences, Psychology, Applied, Psychology, personality organization, inventory, personality structure, structural diagnosis, Kernberg, 1701 Psychology, Social Psychology, 3101 Biochemistry and cell biology, 3202 Clinical sciences, 3209 Neurosciences


The Inventory of Personality Organization (IPO, Kernberg & Clarkin, 1995; Lenzenweger, Clarkin, Kernberg, & Foelsch, 2001) is a self-report instrument intended to measure a patient's level of personality organization. This manuscript describes the development of a shortened version of the IPO (the IPO-R). Construct validity of the IPO-R is determined by investigating (a) its latent structure, (b) the equivalence of this latent structure in a normal and a clinical sample (structural validity), and (c) differences between mean scores of the IPO-R scales for a normal population, axis-I disordered and axis-II disordered patients (concurrent validity). The IPO-R showed adequate construct validity in a normal and a clinical sample. © 2009 Hogrefe Publishing.