CME Journal of Gynecologic Oncology

Publication date: 2006-01-01
Volume: 11 Pages: 73 - 77
Publisher: Primed -X Press Publishing Ltd.


Jordens, N
De Pauw, A ; Vergote, Ignace ; Amant, Frédéric


Oncology & Carcinogenesis


Mesenchymal tumours present in the ovary only occasionally. Preoperative diagnosis is unlikely and surgical exploration is mandatory. In the following, we present an overview of molecular factors that might contribute to tumorigenesis and may reflect tumoral behaviour. Considering the heterogeneous nature of mesenchymal tumours of the ovary we opted to describe the involved molecular markers after a summarized pathological description for each type of tumour. Overall, little data on molecular markers are available in this group of tumours.