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Physical Review C

Publication date: 2005-05-01
Volume: 71
Publisher: American physical soc


Van Roosbroeck, J
De Witte, Hilde ; Gorska, M ; Huyse, Marc ; Kruglov, K ; Pauwels, Dieter ; Thomas, JC ; Van de Vel, K ; Van Duppen, Piet ; Franchoo, S ; Cederkall, J ; Fedoseyev, VN ; Fynbo, H ; Georg, U ; Jonsson, O ; Köster, U ; Weissman, L ; Mueller, WF ; Mishin, VI ; Fedorov, D ; De Maesschalck, A ; Smirnova, NA ; Heyde, K


Nuclear, zn nuclei, isolde, mass, isotopes, zn-74, Science & Technology, Physical Sciences, Physics, Nuclear, Physics, NEUTRON, MASS, ZN-74, 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics, Nuclear & Particles Physics, 5106 Nuclear and plasma physics


A beta-decay study of the even mass Cu-74,Cu-76,Cu-78 isotopes toward levels in Zn-74,Zn-76,Zn-78 was performed at the ISOLDE mass separator. The copper isotopes were produced in proton- or neutron-induced fission reactions on U-238, laser ionized, mass separated, and sent to a beta-gamma detection system. Half-lives, decay schemes, and possible spin configurations were obtained for the copper isotopes. The results are compared with calculations using schematic forces as well as large-scale shell-model calculations with realistic forces.