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Scandinavian journal of rehabilitation medicine

Publication date: 2000-06-01
Volume: 32 Pages: 61 -
Publisher: Taylor & Francis


Nuyens, Godelieve
De Weerdt, Willy ; Spaepen, Arthur ; Janssens, Luc ; Ketelaer, P ; Bogaerts, Kris


Biomechanics, Electromyography, Female, Humans, Knee, Male, Middle Aged, Movement, Range of Motion, Articular, Rehabilitation, Reproducibility of Results, Torque, Science & Technology, Life Sciences & Biomedicine, Sport Sciences, reliability, passive movements, torque, dynamometry, biomechanics, HAND-HELD, DYNAMOMETRY, STROKE, ADULTS, Biomechanical Phenomena, 1103 Clinical Sciences, 1106 Human Movement and Sports Sciences, 3202 Clinical sciences, 4201 Allied health and rehabilitation science


In the literature, few data are available about the reliability of torque measured during passive isokinetic knee movements. This study investigated the consistency of torque measurements during passive knee movements at 60, 180 and 300 degrees/second in 30 healthy subjects. Intraclass correlation values ranged between 0.78 and 0.92 when the results of two consecutive tests were compared. When retests were performed after repositioning the subjects, intraclass correlation values ranged between 0.43 and 0.87. These findings indicate the necessity for meticulous standardization of the test situation. Series of 10 consecutive movements, specifically repetitions of knee flexion at 180 and 300 degrees/second, indicated that torque measurements during the first two movements were less stable than those following. A concurrent change in electromyographic activity in the rectus femoris muscle suggested that these torque variations resulted from habituation of the stretch reflex.