Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde

Publication date: 2002-01-01
Volume: 58 Pages: 1283 - 1289
Publisher: Nederlandstalige medische Faculteiten in Belgiƫ


Van Den Bruel, A
Drijkoningen, Maria ; Bex, Maddy ; Mathieu, Chantal


Thyroid nodules are highly prevalent. Firstly, TSH should be determined. A low TSH requires an evaluation of (sub)clinical hyperthyroidism, whereas high TSH indicates (sub)clinical hypothyroidism. However, in most cases, TSH is normal, pointing to a nonfunctional or cold nodule. In this group of cold nodules FNAC is the tool of value. Clinical elements and FNAC results identify the small group of thyroid malignancies and the larger group of follicular neoplasms. Surgical treatment will offer a final diagnosis and treatment in these cases.