Middle East Fertility Society journal

Publication date: 1998-01-01
Pages: 11 - 17
Publisher: The Society


Vanderschueren, Dirk
D'Hooghe, Thomas ; Spiessens, C ; Staessen, Jan A


fertility, 1103 Clinical Sciences, 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine, Obstetrics & Reproductive Medicine, 3215 Reproductive medicine


Although there is good evidence, especially for lead, that heavy metals may affect fertility of exposed men in the workplace; we hove virtually no information on the risk of environmental exposure to heavy metals for fertility. Such information is important since preliminary data suggest that fertility may be decreased in industrialized areas. Both cadmium and lead are well-studied environmental pollutants. A recent project in Belgium has documented that low-level concentrations of both heavy metals may decrease renal function. Since spermatogenesis and sperm quality may also be affected by these heavy metals, we decided to study their effects on both male and female fertility in the same population. We will describe this ongoing project and discuss it in the light of our present knowledge.