Automation in diagnostic cytogenetics

Publication date: 1976-01-01
Pages: 89 - 98


Oosterlinck, André
Dom, F ; De Boer, J ; Van den Berghe, Herman ; Vlietinck, Robert


In the past most automated cytogenetics systems were fully automated and lacked accuracy. An automatic system that can be used as an interactive as well as a fully automatic system with an adaptable world model is described. The different elements needed for that system in a high-volume clinical setting are given. At each level the different options and criteria are discussed. The choice of the elements for the present system is explained. If automated metaphase finding is required, the input has to be directly from the slide. This eliminates scanners of photographic material and requires the microscope to be equipped with a direct image sensor and an automated stage. The characteristics of different sensors are discussed. The need for a central control unit with hardware preprocessor is explained. According to cost-performance ratio and access time of different modes of data storage, different computer systems can be chosen. Three levels of human interactions are described: metaphase finding, isolation of the objects and final karyotype. The several basic picture analyzing programs are discussed.