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Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition.

Publication date: 1986-01-01
Pages: 159 - 62
Publisher: Raven Press


Casteels, Minne
Eggermont, Ephrem ; Kerremans, R ; Ponnette, E


Adolescent, Appendectomy, Appendix, Cecal Diseases, Female, Humans, Intussusception, Preoperative Care, Science & Technology, Life Sciences & Biomedicine, Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Nutrition & Dietetics, Pediatrics, Radiography, 11 Medical and Health Sciences, 3202 Clinical sciences, 3210 Nutrition and dietetics, 3213 Paediatrics


Intussusception of the vermiform appendix (IVA) in a 14-year-old girl is reported. The diagnosis was made preoperatively, which is rare: only five other cases have been reported. IVA can present with variable symptoms. This patient presented with episodes of recurrent severe paroxysmal pain and vomiting, each episode being separated by several uneventful weeks. The diagnosis of IVA could be made at the fourth attack of colic by the radiological visualization of a "spiral shell" filling defect at the bottom of the cecum that was reducible by intravenous injection of a spasmolytic. Laparotomy with appendectomy rescued the patient from these distressing episodes. Although IVA is an uncommon condition, one should be aware of its existence and include it in the differential diagnosis of acute abdominal syndromes. When confronted with a clinical picture of intussusception in older children or adolescents, one should especially remember this entity as a differential diagnosis with other causes of intussusception, especially tumors.